Who are we? We are students. We are family. We are local business owners. We are community members. We are coaches. We are mentors. We are the next group of youth watching our upper classmen with awe and admiration. We are dreamers of making Battle Ground the best place to play football, the best team to cheer for, and the best town to live in! It's all wrapped within one goal.
Our Tiger Football Booster Club specifically exists to support the Battle Ground High School Football Team, meeting needs of the team beyond which school funding can provide. We help maintain, improve or expand the program while promoting excellence, pride and good sportsmanship amongst the student body and our community. But really, it's so much more!
It is a well known fact, proven time and again, that both sports and community connection are exceptionally beneficial to individuals, boosting both physical and mental health.
We love to see the families of our students, community members, and local businesses involved and working together towards mutual benefit and enjoyment! And what a unique opportunity it is to gather together in fun to support the youth in our community in their pursuit of developing character, leadership and excellence.
Fostering and building the environment of a "High School Football Town" is a funnel that directs attention to our local school and its programs and pride in our town, Battle Ground, Washington. This ultimately leads to support of our local businessees and restaurants. It's an upward spiriling cycle of success and growth!
In the words of the great Vince Lombardi, "After all the cheers have died down and the stadium is empty, after the headlines have been written...the enduring thing that is left is the dedication to doing with our lives the very best we can to make the world a better place in which to live.”